Seminarium Naukowe

Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium Zakładu III

Dr Anna Gerega wygłosi wykład na temat:

Multiwavelength time-resolved measurements for estimation of brain hemodynamic parameters during carotid surgery

Seminarium odbędzie się w dniu10 kwietnia (środa) o godz. 11:00 w sali im. A. Moreckiego


The non-invasive, optical method is proposed for intraoperative monitoring of brain hemodynamics during carotid vascular procedures performed in clinical practice. The proposed method is based on time-resolved measurements (trNIRS) carried out with the detection of the optical signal at multiple wavelengths from the near-infrared region. The results of the measurements show that the method has a potential for the future application of the multiwavelength trNIRS technique during endarterectomy surgery.