69th ICB Seminar on "Technical and Bio-technical Support of the Diabetes Treatment. Recent Developments and Perspectives"
Warsaw, 19.05 - 21.05.2003
Chairmen: Prof. J. Wójcicki
Prof. D. Klonoff

70th ICB Seminar on "High Resolution ECG/MCG Mapping"
Warsaw, 16.10 - 18.10.2003
Chairmen: Prof. L. De Ambroggi
Prof. T. Katila
Prof. R. Maniewski

71st ICB Seminar, 6th Polish-Japanese Seminar on
"Contribution of the information science to modern medicine"
Nara, 18.10 - 25.10.2003
Chairmen: Prof. K. Chihara
Prof. J. Wójcicki

72nd ICB Seminar on "Recent Achievements of Bioimpedance Research"
warsaw, 13.11 - 17.11.2003
Chairman: Prof. T. Pałko

73rd ICB Seminar on "Mechanical Loads of the Human Motor System - Injury Prevention"
Warsaw, 6.12.2003
Chairmen: Prof. A. Wit
Prof. F. Vaverka