Man under vibration
17.06. - 20.06.1996
Chairmen: Prof. A. Morecki
Prof. K. Kędzior

Statistics and clinical practice
25.06. - 30.06.1996
Chairmen: Prof. J. Doroszewski
Assoc.Prof. L. Bobrowski

XXIII Congress of European Society for Artificial Organs
16.10. - 20.10.1996

2nd Japan-Polish Symposium Contribution of electrical and electronic engineering to biology and medicine
05.11. - 08.11.1996
Chairmen: Prof. T. Togawa
Prof. M. Nałęcz

Published in Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminars, Vol. 32, pages 302
Biomechanics of the spinal system.
20.11. - 24.11.1996
Chairmen: Prof. M. Dietrich